61-12C-24. Denial, suspension, revocation and reinstatement of licenses. (Repealed effective July 1, 2016.)
A. Pursuant to the Uniform Licensing Act [61-1-1 NMSA 1978], the board may take disciplinary action against a person licensed or registered pursuant to the Massage Therapy Practice Act.
B. The board has authority to take an action set forth in Section 61-1-3 NMSA 1978 upon a finding by the board that the licensee, registrant or applicant:
(1) is guilty of fraud, deceit or misrepresentation;
(2) attempted to use as his own the license or registration of another;
(3) allowed the use of his license or registration by another;
(4) has been adjudicated as mentally incompetent by regularly constituted authorities;
(5) has been convicted of any offense punishable by incarceration in a state penitentiary or federal prison. A copy of the record of conviction, certified by the clerk of the court entering the conviction, is conclusive evidence of conviction;
(6) is guilty of unprofessional or unethical conduct or a violation of the code of ethics;
(7) is habitually or excessively using controlled substances or alcohol;
(8) is guilty of false, deceptive or misleading advertising;
(9) is guilty of aiding, assisting or advertising any unlicensed or unregistered person in the practice of massage therapy;
(10) is grossly negligent or incompetent in the practice of massage therapy;
(11) has had a license or registration to practice massage therapy revoked, suspended or denied in any jurisdiction, territory or possession of the United States or another country for acts of the licensee or registrant similar to acts described in this section. A certified copy of the record of conviction shall be conclusive evidence of the conviction; or
(12) is guilty of failing to comply with a provision of the Massage Therapy Practice Act or rules of the board adopted pursuant to that act and filed in accordance with the State Rules Act [14-4-1 NMSA 1978].
C. Disciplinary proceedings may be instituted by sworn complaint of any person, including members of the board, and shall conform with the provisions of the Uniform Licensing Act.
D. The board may establish the guidelines for the disposition of disciplinary cases. Guidelines may include but shall not be limited to minimum and maximum fines, periods of probation, conditions of probation or reissuance of a license or registration.
E. License and registration holders who have been found culpable and sanctioned by the board shall be responsible for the payments of all costs of the disciplinary proceedings.