61-12D-15. Disciplinary actions; penalties. (Repealed effective July 1, 2016.)
A. The board, upon satisfactory proof that any ground enumerated in Section 13 [61-12D-13 NMSA 1978] of the Physical Therapy Act has been violated, may take the following disciplinary action singly or in combination:
(1) issue a letter of censure or reprimand;
(2) issue a restricted license, including requiring the licensee to report regularly to the board on matters related to the grounds for the restricted license;
(3) suspend a license for a period determined by the board;
(4) revoke a license;
(5) refuse to issue or renew a license;
(6) impose fines in accordance with the Physical Therapy Act; and
(7) accept a voluntary surrendering of a license.
B. Disciplinary actions of the board shall be taken in accordance with the Uniform Licensing Act [61-1-1 NMSA 1978].
C. The board may institute any legal proceedings necessary to effect compliance with the Physical Therapy Act, including:
(1) receiving and investigating complaints filed against licensees;
(2) conducting an investigation at any time and on its own initiative without receipt of a written complaint if the board has reason to believe that there may be a violation of the Physical Therapy Act;
(3) issuing subpoenas and compelling the attendance of witnesses or the production of documents relative to the case; and
(4) appointing hearing officers. Hearing officers shall prepare and submit to the board findings of fact, conclusions of law and an order that shall be reviewed and voted upon by the board.