61-13-6. Duties of the board. (Repealed effective July 1, 2014.)
It is the duty of the board to:
A. formulate, adopt and regularly revise such rules and regulations not inconsistent with law as may be necessary to adopt and enforce standards for licensing nursing home administrators and to carry into effect the provisions of the Nursing Home Administrators Act;
B. approve for licensure applicants for:
(1) initial licensure;
(2) annual renewal of current, active licenses;
(3) reciprocity;
(4) reinstatement of revoked or suspended licenses; and
(5) reactivation of inactive or expired licenses;
C. cause the prosecution or enjoinder of all persons violating the Nursing Home Administrators Act and deny, suspend or revoke licenses in accordance with the provisions of the Uniform Licensing Act;
D. submit a written annual report to the governor and the legislature detailing the actions of the board and including an accounting of all money received and expended by the board; and
E. maintain a register of licensees and a record of all applicants for licensure received by the board.