61-14-12. License, permit and registration renewal. (Repealed effective July 1, 2012.)
A. All licenses, permits and registrations may be renewed by payment of the renewal fee and submission of proof of completion of continuing education requirements as established by regulation of the board. Not later than thirty days prior to expiration, the board shall mail a notice to each licensed veterinarian, registered veterinary technician and holder of an artificial insemination or pregnancy diagnosis permit that the license, registration or permit will expire and provide a renewal application form.
B. Except as provided in Subsections C and D of this section, any person may reinstate an expired license, registration or permit within five years of its expiration by making application to the board for renewal and paying the current renewal fee along with all delinquent renewal fees and late fees. After five years have elapsed since the date of expiration, a license, registration or permit may not be renewed and the holder shall apply for a new license, registration or permit and take the required examination.
C. A person shall not have his license reinstated in New Mexico if, during the time period his license to practice in New Mexico was lapsed, his license in another state or jurisdiction was suspended or revoked for reasons for which the license would have been subject to suspension or revocation in New Mexico.
D. A person who, during the time period his license to practice in New Mexico was lapsed, was subject to any disciplinary proceedings resulting in action less than suspension or revocation in another state or jurisdiction, may, at the discretion of the board, have his license to practice in New Mexico reinstated on a probationary status for up to two years. Upon request by the applicant for reinstatement, the board shall determine under what circumstances the probationary status shall be continued or removed or the application for reinstatement denied.
E. The board may provide by regulation for waiver of payment of any renewal fee of a licensed veterinarian during any period when he is on active duty with any branch of the armed services of the United States for the duration of a national emergency.