61-14B-17. Hearing aid dispensing temporary trainee permits; issuance. (Repealed effective July 1, 2016.)
A. Any person who does not meet the requirements for licensure without examination as an audiologist or otolaryngologist as set forth in Section 61-14B-13 NMSA 1978 or as a hearing aid dispenser as set forth in Section 61-14B-14 NMSA 1978, may apply for a temporary trainee permit. A temporary trainee permit shall be issued to a person who:
(1) has reached the age of majority and has a high school education or the equivalent;
(2) has identified a sponsor;
(3) pays an application fee as determined by the board;
(4) has not failed the licensing examination twice within a five-year period; and
(5) certifies that he is not guilty of any of the activities listed in Section 61-14B-21 NMSA 1978.
B. A temporary trainee permit shall:
(1) be valid for one year from the date of its issuance and is nonrenewable for a period of one year following its expiration; and
(2) allow the person to complete a training period.
C. A person issued a temporary trainee permit may be eligible for licensure as a hearing aid dispenser upon:
(1) the completion of a minimum of three hundred twenty hours of training, to be completed within a three-month period under the direct supervision of the sponsor;
(2) the completion of five continuous months of full-time dispensing work, during which time all sales are approved by the sponsor prior to delivery; and
(3) the sponsor approving all fittings, adjustments, modifications or repairs to hearing aids and earmolds.
D. An audiologist, clinical fellow in audiology or otolaryngologist issued a temporary trainee permit may be eligible for licensure without examination as a hearing aid dispenser upon the sponsor providing direct supervision for a minimum of three months of all fittings, adjustments, modifications or repairs to hearing aids and earmolds.