61-14B-21. Disciplinary proceedings; judicial review. (Repealed effective July 1, 2016.)
A. The board may deny, revoke, suspend or impose conditions upon any license held or applied for under the Speech Language Pathology, Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensing Practices Act in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Uniform Licensing Act [61-1-1 NMSA 1978] upon findings by the board that the licensee or applicant:
(1) is guilty of fraud or deceit in procuring or attempting to procure a license;
(2) has been convicted of a felony. A certified copy of the record of conviction shall be conclusive evidence of the conviction;
(3) is guilty of incompetence;
(4) is guilty of unprofessional conduct;
(5) is selling or fitting the first hearing aid of any child under sixteen years of age who has not been examined and cleared for the hearing aid by an otolaryngologist and a dispensing audiologist who is certified competent by a nationally recognized speech language or hearing association or holds equivalent certification;
(6) is selling or fitting a hearing aid on any person who has not been tested, except for replacement aids;
(7) uses untruthful or misleading advertising;
(8) is representing himself as a medical doctor when he is not a licensed medical doctor;
(9) is addicted to the use of habit-forming drugs or is addicted to any substance to such a degree as to render him unfit to practice as a speech language pathologist, dispensing or nondispensing audiologist or hearing aid dispenser;
(10) is guilty of unprofessional conduct, as defined by regulation of the board;
(11) is guilty of any violation of the Controlled Substances Act [30-31-1 NMSA 1978];
(12) has violated any provision of the Speech Language Pathology, Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensing Practices Act;
(13) is guilty of willfully or negligently practicing beyond the scope of the Speech Language Pathology, Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensing Practices Act;
(14) is guilty of aiding or abetting the practice of speech language pathology, audiology or hearing aid dispensing by a person not licensed by the board;
(15) is guilty of practicing without a license in violation of the Speech Language Pathology, Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensing Practices Act and its regulations; or
(16) has had a license, certificate or registration to practice speech language pathology, audiology or hearing aid dispensing revoked, suspended or denied in any jurisdiction, territory or possession of the United States or another country for actions of the licensee similar to acts described in this section. A certified copy of the record of the jurisdiction taking such disciplinary action will be conclusive evidence thereof.
B. Disciplinary proceedings may be initiated by any person filing a sworn complaint. Any person filing a sworn complaint shall be immune from liability arising out of civil action if the complaint is filed in good faith and without actual malice.