61-14B-5. Scope of practice; audiologists. (Repealed effective July 1, 2016.)
A. The scope of practice for audiologists shall include:
(1) the rendering or offering to render professional services, including non-medical diagnosis, prevention, identification, evaluation, consultation, counseling, habilitation, rehabilitation and instruction on and prognostication of individuals having or suspected of having disorders of hearing, balance or central auditory processing;
(2) identification and evaluation of auditory function through the performance and interpretation of appropriate behavioral or electrophysiological tests for this purpose;
(3) making ear impressions for use with auditory trainers or for non-amplified devices such as swim molds or ear protectors;
(4) cerumen management; and
(5) evaluation and management of tinnitus.
B. The scope of practice for audiologists may include:
(1) consultation regarding noise control or environmental noise evaluation;
(2) hearing conservation;
(3) calibration of equipment used in hearing testing and environmental evaluation;
(4) fitting and management of auditory trainers, including their general service, adjustment and analysis of function, as well as instruction, orientation and counseling in the use and care of these instruments;
(5) speech or language screening for the purposes of audiological evaluation or initial identification for referral of individuals with disorders of communication other than hearing; and
(6) supervision of students, clinical fellows and paraprofessionals.
C. The scope of practice for audiologists may be expanded by special endorsement to include the dispensing of hearing aids. This expanded scope:
(1) shall include the scope of practice for audiologists as specified in Subsections A and B of this section;
(2) shall include the scope of practice for hearing aid dispenser; and
(3) may include the sponsorship of hearing aid dispenser trainees.