61-14E-6. Division; powers; duties.
The division, pursuant to the rules and regulations promulgated by the board, shall:
A. maintain and enforce licensure standards for magnetic resonance, radiography, radiation therapy technology, nuclear medicine technology, diagnostic medical sonography and radiology and licensure standards for restricted diagnostic radiography;
B. refer to national educational accreditation standards for educational programs and, pursuant to those standards, establish criteria for education programs of magnetic resonance, radiography, radiation therapy technology, nuclear medicine technology and diagnostic medical sonography;
C. provide for surveys of educational programs preparing persons for certification under the Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Health and Safety Act;
D. grant, deny or withdraw approval from educational programs for failure to meet prescribed standards, provided that a majority of the board concurs in any decision;
E. establish procedures for examination, certification and renewal of certificates of applicants; and
F. establish scope of practice and ethics rules.