61-15-12. Disciplinary actions. (Repealed effective July 1, 2012.)
A. In accordance with the provisions of the Uniform Licensing Act [61-1-1 NMSA 1978], the board may refuse to issue, may suspend or may revoke any certificate of registration as an architect, and the board may impose disciplinary conditions, including a letter of censure or reprimand, an administrative penalty, probation, peer review, remedial education and testing and other conditions as deemed necessary by the board to promote the public welfare, upon satisfactory proof being made to the board that the registrant has:
(1) engaged in any fraud or deceit in obtaining a certificate of registration;
(2) made a false statement under oath or a false affidavit to the board;
(3) engaged in gross negligence, incompetency or misconduct in the practice of architecture as set forth by rule;
(4) stamped with his official seal any plans, specifications, plats or reports in violation of the Architectural Act [this article];
(5) practiced architecture without a valid and current registration in the jurisdiction in which the practice took place;
(6) represented himself to be an architect without having a valid and current certificate of registration as an architect in the jurisdiction in which the representation took place;
(7) violated any provisions of the Architectural Act [61-15-1.1 NMSA 1978] or the rules adopted by the board;
(8) refused to accept or to respond to a certified mail communication from the board;
(9) failed to provide the board or its representatives in a timely manner all documentation or information in the registrant's possession or knowledge that has been requested by the board for the purposes of investigation of an alleged violation of the Architectural Act or the rules adopted by the board;
(10) procured, aided or abetted a violation of the Architectural Act or the rules adopted by the board;
(11) failed to comply with the minimum standards of the practice of architecture;
(12) habitually or excessively used intoxicants or controlled substances; or
(13) failed to report to the board any adverse actions taken against the registrant by another jurisdiction, any professional organization, any governmental or law enforcement agency or any court for an act or conduct that would constitute grounds for actions as provided by this section.
B. The board may deny access to examination, may refuse to issue, may suspend or may revoke any certificate of registration as an architect:
(1) for any applicant found to have violated any provision of the Architectural Act or the rules adopted by the board; or
(2) for any registrant or applicant who is convicted of a felony.
C. Disciplinary proceedings may be instituted by any person, shall be instituted by sworn complaint and shall conform to the provisions of the Uniform Licensing Act. Any party to a hearing may obtain a copy of the hearing record upon payment of the costs for the copy.
D. The board may modify any prior order of revocation, suspension or refusal to issue a certificate of registration of an architect, but only upon a finding by the board that there no longer exist any grounds for disciplinary action; provided, however, that any cessation of the practice of architecture for twelve months or more shall require the architect to undergo such additional examination as the board determines necessary.
E. Nothing in the Architectural Act shall be construed as requiring the board to report, for the institution of proceedings, minor violations of that act provided that the board, after an informal hearing, determines that the public interest will be adequately served by a suitable written notice or warning or by the suspension of the offender's license or certificate of registration for a period not to exceed thirty days.
F. The applicant or registrant shall be liable for all costs of disciplinary proceedings unless exonerated and shall be liable for all costs associated with monitoring compliance with any disciplinary action.