61-16-11. Hearing.
Upon the presentation of an application for a license hereunder the municipal or county clerk as the case may be shall set a date for hearing thereon not less than one week nor more than three weeks thereafter, said hearing to be held at either a regular or special meeting of the licensing authority. Notice of said hearing shall be given forthwith by registered mail to each person or company engaged in the business of selling jewelry within the particular municipality or county.
At the hearing upon said application the applicant shall attend and shall submit to an examination touching his application under oath to be conducted by the municipal or district attorney as the case may be, and by any citizen of said municipality or county, and by the attorney for any jeweler or any association of jewelers doing business within this state. The applicant or any person, persons, corporations or associations opposing the granting of a license may introduce evidence either [by] written or oral testimony or by affidavit.
If the governing board of the county or municipality as the case may be shall determine that the applicant is not disqualified, and that the application conforms with the law a license shall be granted; otherwise a license shall not be granted. As a condition of granting the license the licensing board may require more complete descriptions of the items in the inventory if they deem the tendered descriptions to be incomplete.