61-23-11. Receipts and disbursement; fund created. (Repealed effective July 1, 2012.)
A. The "professional engineers' and surveyors' fund" is created in the state treasury. The executive director of the board shall receive and account for all money received under the provisions of the Engineering and Surveying Practice Act [61-23-1 NMSA 1978] and shall pay that money to the state treasurer for deposit in the fund. Money in this fund shall be paid out only by warrant of the secretary of finance and administration upon the state treasurer, upon itemized vouchers approved by the chairman and attested by the executive director of the board. All money in the fund is appropriated for the use of the board. Earnings from investment of the fund shall accrue to the credit of the fund.
B. The executive director of the board shall give a surety bond to the state in such sum as the board may determine. The premium on the bond shall be regarded as a proper and necessary expense of the board and shall be paid out of the fund.
C. The board may make expenditures of the fund for any purpose that in the opinion of the board is reasonably necessary for the proper performance of its duties pursuant to the Engineering and Surveying Practice Act, including the expenses of the board's delegates to the conventions of, and for membership dues to, the national council of examiners for engineering and surveying and any of its subdivisions or any other body of similar purpose.