61-23-2. Declaration of policy. (Repealed effective July 1, 2012.)
The legislature declares that it is a matter of public safety, interest and concern that the practices of engineering and surveying merit and receive the confidence of the public and that only qualified persons be permitted to engage in the practices of engineering and surveying. In order to safeguard life, health and property and to promote the public welfare, any person in either public or private capacity practicing or offering to practice engineering or surveying shall be required to submit evidence that he is qualified to so practice and shall be licensed as provided in the Engineering and Surveying Practice Act. It is unlawful for any person to practice, offer to practice, engage in the business, act in the capacity of, advertise or use in connection with his name or otherwise assume, use or advertise any title or description tending to convey the impression that he is a professional, licensed engineer or surveyor unless that person is licensed or exempt under the provisions of the Engineering and Surveying Practice Act [Chapter 61, Article 23 NMSA 1978]. A person who engages in the business or acts in the capacity of a professional engineer or professional surveyor in New Mexico, except as otherwise provided in Sections 61-23-22 and 61-23-27.10 NMSA 1978, with or without a New Mexico license, has thereby submitted to the jurisdiction of the state and to the administrative jurisdiction of the board and is subject to all penalties and remedies available for a violation of any provision of Chapter 61, Article 23 NMSA 1978. The practice of engineering or surveying shall be deemed a privilege granted by the board based on the qualifications of the individual as evidenced by the licensee's certificate, which shall not be transferable.