61-24C-15. Disclosure requirements. (Repealed effective July 1, 2012.)
A. Interior design documents prepared by a licensed interior designer shall contain a statement that the document is not an architectural or engineering study, drawing, specification or design and is not to be used as the basis for construction of any load-bearing framing, wall or structure construction.
B. Before entering into a contract, a licensed interior designer shall clearly determine the scope and nature of the project and the methods of compensation. The licensed interior designer may offer professional services to the client as a consultant, specifier or supplier on the basis of a fee, percentage or mark-up. The licensed interior designer shall have the responsibility of fully disclosing to the client the manner in which all compensation is to be paid.
C. A licensed interior designer shall not accept any form of compensation from a supplier of goods and services in cash or in kind, unless the licensed interior designer first informs the client of the compensation.