61-24C-9. License without examination. (Repealed effective July 1, 2012.)
A. If any person applies for licensure within one year after the effective date of the Interior Designers Act [61-24C-1 NMSA 1978] and that person has successfully completed the national council of interior design qualification examination or has completed at least eight years of full-time, diversified experience in the practice of interior design that person may be issued a license without examination. Licensure pursuant to this subsection shall be subject to the board's discretionary review of the experience qualification.
B. The board may accept, in lieu of examination, satisfactory evidence of licensure in another state or country where the qualifications are equal to or exceed those required by the provisions of the Interior Designers Act, provided that the applicant holds a current license in the other jurisdiction and has complied with all other requirements of the Interior Designers Act.
C. The board may accept, in lieu of examination, satisfactory evidence of licensure or certification by the national council for interior design qualifications.