61-27B-15. Security guard; levels of registration. (Repealed effective July 1, 2012.)
A. A security guard shall be registered at one of the three levels enumerated in this section that are based on experience, age and other qualifications of the registrant:
(1) level one is the entry level registration for security guards who will be working in a position not requiring the registrant to carry arms;
(2) level two is the intermediate level registration for security guards who are required to be armed but not with firearms; and
(3) level three is the advanced level registration for security guards who may be required to be armed with a firearm.
B. Each security guard shall receive a card issued by the department in the security guard's name with a definite expiration date that shall be carried by the security guard at all times when the security guard is performing duties that require the security guard to be registered pursuant to the provisions of this section. A security guard is not required to obtain a new card each time the security guard changes employment.