61-28B-9. Issuance and renewal of certificate; maintenance of competency. (Repealed effective July 1, 2012.)
A. The board shall grant or renew a certificate upon application and demonstration that the applicant's qualifications are in accordance with the 1999 Public Accountancy Act [61-28B-1 NMSA 1978] or that they are eligible under the substantial equivalency standard provided in that act.
B. The board may establish by rule for the issuance of annual certificates and may prescribe the expiration date of certificates. Failure to pay the renewal fee shall be cause for the board to withhold renewal of a certificate without prior hearing pursuant to the provisions of the Uniform Licensing Act [61-1-1 NMSA 1978] . If the renewal fee and delinquency fee are not paid within ninety days after the expiration date of the license, the certificate shall be subject to cancellation. A certificate holder whose certificate has been canceled for failure to pay the annual renewal fee may secure reinstatement of the certificate only upon application and payment of the renewal fee and reinstatement fee and upon approval by the board.
C. The board shall grant or deny an application for certification no later than one hundred twenty days after the complete application is filed.
D. If an applicant appeals the decision of the board to deny a certificate, the board may issue a provisional certificate for no longer than ninety days while the board reconsiders its decision.
E. To renew a certificate, a certificate holder shall provide satisfactory proof to the board of continuing professional education that is designed to maintain competency. Continuing professional education courses shall comply with board rules. The board may create an exception to the requirement to maintain continuing professional education for certificate holders who do not provide services to the public. A certificate holder granted such an exception must place the word "inactive" or "retired" adjacent to his certified public accountant title or registered public accountant title on a business card, letterhead or other document or device, except for a board-issued certificate.
F. An applicant for initial issuance or renewal of a certificate pursuant to this section shall list all foreign and domestic jurisdictions in which the applicant has applied for or holds a designation to practice public accountancy. The applicant shall also list any past denial, revocation or suspension of a certificate, license or permit. An applicant or certificate holder shall notify the board in writing, within thirty days of the occurrence of any issuance, denial, revocation or suspension of a designation or commencement of a disciplinary or enforcement action by any jurisdiction.