61-29-8. License fees; disposition. (Repealed effective July 1, 2012.)
A. The following fees shall be established and charged by the commission and paid into the real estate commission fund:
(1) for each examination, a fee not to exceed ninety-five dollars ($95.00);
(2) for each qualifying broker's license issued, a fee not to exceed two hundred seventy dollars ($270) and for each renewal thereof, a fee not to exceed two hundred seventy dollars ($270);
(3) for each associate broker's license issued, a fee not to exceed two hundred seventy dollars ($270) and for each renewal thereof, a fee not to exceed two hundred seventy dollars ($270);
(4) subject to the provisions of Paragraph (10) of this subsection, for each change of place of business or change of employer or contractual associate, a transfer fee not to exceed twenty dollars ($20.00);
(5) for each duplicate license, where the license is lost or destroyed and affidavit is made thereof, a fee not to exceed twenty dollars ($20.00);
(6) for each license history, a fee not to exceed twenty-five dollars ($25.00);
(7) for copying of documents by the commission, a fee not to exceed one dollar ($1.00) per copy;
(8) for each license law and rules booklet, a fee not to exceed ten dollars ($10.00) per booklet;
(9) for each hard copy or electronic list of licensed associate brokers and qualifying brokers, a fee not to exceed twenty dollars ($20.00);
(10) for each license reissued for an associate broker because of change of address of the qualifying broker's office, death of the qualifying broker when a successor qualifying broker is replacing the decedent and the associate broker remains in the office or because of a change of name of the office or the entity of the qualifying broker, a fee in an amount not to exceed twenty dollars ($20.00) to be paid by the qualifying broker or successor qualifying broker as the case may be; but if there are eleven or more affected associate brokers in the qualifying broker's office, the total fee paid to effect reissuance of all of those licenses shall not exceed two hundred dollars ($200);
(11) for each application to the commission to become an approved sponsor of pre-licensing and continuing education courses, a fee not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500) and for each renewal thereof, a fee not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500);
(12) for each application to the commission to become an approved instructor of pre-licensing and continuing education courses, a fee not to exceed seventy dollars ($70.00) per course; and
(13) for each application to the commission to renew certification as a commission-approved instructor, a fee not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100).
B. All fees set by the commission shall be set by rule and only after all requirements have been met as prescribed by Chapter 61, Article 29 NMSA 1978. Any changes or amendments to the rules shall be filed in accordance with the State Rules Act [14-4-1 NMSA 1978].
C. The commission shall deposit all money received by it from fees in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 61, Article 29 NMSA 1978 with the state treasurer, who shall keep that money in a separate fund to be known as the "real estate commission fund", and money so deposited in that fund is appropriated to the commission for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of Section 61-29-4 NMSA 1978 or to maintain the real estate recovery fund as required by the Real Estate Recovery Fund Act [61-29-20 NMSA 1978] and shall be paid out of the fund upon the vouchers of the executive secretary of the commission or his designee; provided that the total fees and charges collected and paid into the state treasury and any money so deposited shall be expended only for the purposes authorized by Chapter 61, Article 29 NMSA 1978.