61-3-19. Licensure of licensed practical nurses.
A. Applicants for licensure by examination shall be required to pass the national licensing examination for licensed practical nurses. The applicant who successfully passes the examination may be issued by the board a license to practice as a licensed practical nurse.
B. The board may issue a license as a licensed practical nurse without an examination to an applicant who has been duly licensed by passing the national licensing examination for licensed practical nurses under the laws of another state or by passing a state-board-constructed licensing examination prior to October 1986 if the applicant meets the qualifications required of licensed practical nurses in this state.
C. The board may issue a license to practice as a licensed practical nurse to an applicant licensed under the laws of another territory or foreign country if the applicant meets the qualifications required of licensed practical nurses in this state, is proficient in English and successfully passes the national licensing examination for licensed practical nurses.