61-31-19. Impaired social workers' program. (Repealed effective July 1, 2016.)
A. The board shall establish a process by which social workers who may be impaired because of a mental disability or habitual or excessive use of controlled substances or alcohol may seek rehabilitation. The intent of the process is to provide impaired social workers the opportunity to voluntarily enter a treatment program as an alternative to disciplinary action, while providing adequate safeguards to the public.
B. The board shall appoint evaluation advisory committees as appropriate to the specific disability of a social worker. Each advisory committee shall be composed of at least three members. One member of an advisory committee shall be a licensed physician, one a certified psychologist or a licensed psychiatrist and one licensed to practice social work in New Mexico. No member of an advisory committee shall be a member of the board.
C. An advisory committee shall function under the direction of the board and in accordance with regulations of the board. The regulations shall include directions to the advisory committee to:
(1) develop criteria for admission to and continuance in a treatment program for board approval;
(2) review complaints against a licensed social worker involving habitual or excessive use of controlled substances or alcohol;
(3) review voluntary requests of each social worker seeking admission to a treatment program as an alternative to disciplinary action;
(4) develop and submit to the board for approval a written treatment agreement setting forth the requirements that shall be met by the social worker and the conditions under which the treatment program may be successfully completed or terminated;
(5) recommend to the board in favor of or against an individual social worker's admission into or release from a treatment program;
(6) receive and review all reports regarding an individual social worker's progress in treatment and recovery;
(7) report violations to the board; and
(8) submit statistical reports to the board.
D. Files of social workers referred to an advisory committee and admitted to a treatment program shall be maintained in the office of the board and shall be confidential. Files are not confidential if they contain reports to the board concerning social workers who have not cooperated or complied with treatment agreements, or who have refused to participate in a program after having been accepted for admission into the program or reports used as evidence in a disciplinary proceeding. Such files may be made available to other states' social worker boards or law enforcement agencies upon request to the board if the social worker leaves the state prior to successful completion of the program and shall be subject to discovery by subpoena.
E. Any person who makes a report to the board regarding a social worker suspected of practicing while mentally disabled or under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances or who makes a report of a social worker's progress or lack of progress in a treatment program shall be immune from civil action for defamation or other causes of action resulting from such reports, provided that such reports are made in good faith and with some reasonable basis in fact.
F. After an appropriate treatment period, to be approved by the board, the advisory committee shall refer to the board for formal disciplinary action, including suspension or removal of license, a social worker who fails to respond to treatment. The board may on its own initiative or at the recommendation of the advisory committee immediately proceed with disciplinary actions against any social worker previously admitted to and released from a treatment program who has subsequently relapsed into a mental disability or abuse of alcohol or a controlled substance.