61-32-14. Funeral service intern; scope of practice; limitations. (Repealed effective July 1, 2012.)
A. A funeral service intern does not have the rights and duties of a funeral service practitioner and is only subordinate to the funeral service practitioner. The scope of what a funeral service intern is permitted to do depends on the activity and the experience of the funeral service intern, provided that a funeral service intern:
(1) may make arrangements only under the direct supervision of a licensed funeral service practitioner. After the completion of fifty arrangements under direct supervision, the funeral service intern may request approval from the board to make arrangements under the general supervision of a licensed funeral service practitioner;
(2) may embalm or otherwise prepare dead human bodies for disposition only under the direct supervision of a licensed funeral service practitioner. After the funeral service intern has assisted with the embalming of at least fifty bodies under direct supervision, the funeral service intern may request approval from the board to embalm under the general supervision of a licensed funeral service practitioner;
(3) may direct a funeral, committal service, graveside service or memorial service only under the direct supervision of a licensed funeral service practitioner. After the funeral service intern has directed at least fifty services under direct supervision, the funeral service intern may request approval from the board to direct such services under the general supervision of a licensed funeral service practitioner; and
(4) shall at no time act under the general supervision of a funeral service practitioner until he is notified in writing of board approval to so act.
B. A funeral service intern shall be employed by and receive training at only one establishment. The board may adopt rules that will allow training at more than one establishment under special circumstances.
C. Any funeral service intern's change of employment shall be reported to the board in writing within thirty days of the change. A change of employment that is not reported shall cause the period worked at the new establishment not to count as time served toward completion of the internship. It is the responsibility of the funeral service intern and the licensee in charge to report changes of employment.
D. A funeral service intern may be under the supervision of more than one funeral service practitioner at the establishment at which he is employed, provided that the board has received notice in writing prior to any changes in supervision. The board may adopt rules specifying the maximum number of persons that may be supervised by a funeral service practitioner.
E. Each funeral service intern shall report to the board quarterly, upon forms provided by the board, showing the work that has been completed during the preceding three months. All quarterly reports are due in the board office within thirty days of the close of the quarter. If a report is not received by the date due, the work completed during the reporting period shall not be counted when the board tabulates requirements for general supervision or for licensure as a funeral service practitioner.
F. Once a funeral service intern is under the general supervision of a funeral service practitioner, the funeral service intern need not submit to the board the quarterly reports required in this section.