61-5B-9. Reinstatement of license. (Repealed effective July 1, 2016.)
A. A licensee whose licensure has been restricted, suspended or revoked under the Impaired Dentists and Dental Hygienists Act, voluntarily or by action of the board, shall have a right at reasonable intervals to petition for reinstatement of the license and to demonstrate that the licensee can resume the competent practice of dentistry or dental hygiene with reasonable skill and safety to patients.
B. The petition shall be made in writing. If the licensee is a dental hygienist, the dental hygienists committee shall be advised and given all information so that their recommendation can be given to the board.
C. Action of the board on the petition shall be initiated by referral to and examination by the examining committee.
D. The board may, in its discretion, upon written recommendation of the examining committee, restore the licensure of the licensee on a general or limited basis.