61-6-31. Disposition of funds; New Mexico medical board fund created; method of payments. (Repealed effective July 1, 2016.)
A. There is created the "New Mexico medical board fund".
B. All funds received by the board and money collected under the Medical Practice Act [61-6-1 NMSA 1978], the Physician Assistant Act [61-6-7 NMSA 1978], the Anesthesiologist Assistants Act [61-6-10.1 NMSA 1978] and the Impaired Health Care Provider Act [61-7-1 NMSA 1978] shall be deposited with the state treasurer who shall place the same to the credit of the New Mexico medical board fund.
C. All payments out of the fund shall be made on vouchers issued and signed by the secretary-treasurer of the board or the designee of the secretary-treasurer upon warrants drawn by the department of finance and administration in accordance with the budget approved by that department.
D. All amounts in the New Mexico medical board fund shall be subject to the order of the board and shall be used only for the purpose of meeting necessary expenses incurred in:
(1) the performance of the provisions of the Medical Practice Act, the Physician Assistant Act, the Anesthesiologist Assistants Act and the Impaired Health Care Provider Act and the duties and powers imposed by those acts;
(2) the promotion of medical education and standards in this state within the budgetary limits; and
(3) efforts to recruit and retain medical doctors for practice in New Mexico.
E. All funds that may have accumulated to the credit of the board under any previous law shall be transferred to the New Mexico medical board fund and shall continue to be available for use by the board in accordance with the provisions of the Medical Practice Act, the Physician Assistant Act, the Anesthesiologist Assistants Act and the Impaired Health Care Provider Act. All money unused at the end of the fiscal year shall not revert, but shall remain in the fund for use in accordance with the provisions of the Medical Practice Act, the Physician Assistant Act, the Anesthesiologist Assistants Act and the Impaired Health Care Provider Act.