61-6-9. Physician assistants; rules. (Repealed effective July 1, 2016.)
The board may adopt and enforce reasonable rules for:
A. education, skill and experience for licensure of a person as a physician assistant and providing forms and procedures for biennial licensure and registration of supervision by a licensed physician;
B. examining and evaluating an applicant for licensure as a physician assistant as to skill, knowledge and experience of the applicant in the field of medical care;
C. establishing when and for how long physician assistants are permitted to prescribe, administer and distribute dangerous drugs other than controlled substances in Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act [30-31-6 NMSA 1978] pursuant to rules adopted by the board after consultation with the board of pharmacy;
D. allowing a supervising licensed physician to temporarily delegate supervisory responsibilities for a physician assistant to another licensed physician;
E. allowing a physician assistant to temporarily serve under the supervision of a licensed physician other than the supervising licensed physician of record; and
F. carrying out all other provisions of the Physician Assistant Act [61-6-7 to 61-6-10 NMSA 1978].