61-8-11. Suspension, revocation or refusal of license. (Repealed effective July 1, 2016.)
The board may refuse to issue or may suspend or revoke any license in accordance with the provisions of the Uniform Licensing Act [61-1-1 NMSA 1978] for any one or more of the following reasons:
A. making a false statement in any part of an application for licensure, examination or registration pursuant to the provisions of the Podiatry Act;
B. conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude, as shown by a certified copy of the record of the court of conviction;
C. the habitual indulgence in the use of narcotics, alcohol or other substances that impair intellect and judgment to an extent as will, in the opinion of the board, incapacitate a podiatrist from the proper performance of his professional duties;
D. lending the use of one's name to an unlicensed podiatrist;
E. selling, giving or prescribing any compound or substance containing narcotic drugs or other controlled substances for illegal purposes;
F. the willful violation of a patient's right to confidentiality;
G. gross malpractice or incompetency as defined by board rule; or
H. any dishonest or unprofessional conduct as defined by the Podiatry Act or rules adopted pursuant to that act.