61-8-9. Licensure by reciprocity. (Repealed effective July 1, 2016.)
An applicant for licensure by reciprocity shall meet the qualifications set forth in Section 61-8-8 NMSA 1978, shall file his application under oath on forms supplied by the board that conform to board rules on reciprocity and shall furnish proof satisfactory to the board of his having been licensed by examination in another state that had qualifications equal to or exceeding those of this state on the date of his original licensure. In addition, each applicant for registration pursuant to the provisions for licensure by reciprocity shall furnish the board an affidavit from his state board showing current registration and the fact that he has been licensed to practice podiatry and that he has practiced podiatry for at least five consecutive years immediately preceding the filing of his application for reciprocal privilege. The applicant shall also complete and pass those supplemental examinations as the board deems necessary if required by board rule.