62-16A-6. Renewable energy transmission bonding fund created; money in the fund pledged.
A. The "renewable energy transmission bonding fund" is created in the state treasury. The fund shall consist of revenues received by the authority from operating or leasing eligible facilities, fees and service charges collected, and, if the authority has provided financing for eligible facilities, money from payments of principal and interest on loans. Earnings of the fund shall be credited to the fund. Balances in the fund at the end of any fiscal year shall remain in the fund, except as provided in this section.
B. Money in the renewable energy transmission bonding fund is pledged for the payment of principal and interest on all bonds issued pursuant to the New Mexico Renewable Energy Transmission Authority Act. Money in the fund is appropriated to the authority for the purpose of paying debt service, including redemption premiums, on the bonds and the expenses incurred in the issuance, payment and administration of the bonds.
C. On the last day of January and the last day of July of each year, the authority shall estimate the amount needed to make debt service and other payments during the next twelve months from the renewable energy transmission bonding fund on the bonds plus the amount that may be needed for any required reserves. The authority shall transfer to the renewable energy transmission authority operational fund any balance in the renewable energy transmission bonding fund above the estimated amounts.
D. Bonds issued pursuant to the New Mexico Renewable Energy Transmission Authority Act shall be payable solely from the renewable energy transmission bonding fund or, with the approval of the bondholders, such other special funds as may be provided by law and do not create an obligation or indebtedness of the state within the meaning of any constitutional provision. No breach of any contractual obligation incurred pursuant to that act shall impose a pecuniary liability or a charge upon the general credit or taxing power of the state, and the bonds are not general obligations for which the state's full faith and credit is pledged.
E. The state does hereby pledge that the renewable energy transmission bonding fund shall be used only for the purposes specified in this section and pledged first to pay the debt service on the bonds issued pursuant to the New Mexico Renewable Energy Transmission Authority Act. The state further pledges that any law requiring the deposit of revenues in the renewable energy transmission bonding fund or authorizing expenditures from the fund shall not be amended or repealed or otherwise modified so as to impair the bonds to which the renewable energy transmission bonding fund is dedicated as provided in this section.