62-9-7. Legislative declaration; voluntary service agreements.
A. The legislature declares that the existing scheme of public utility regulation is adequate to exempt voluntary service agreements, as approved and regulated pursuant to the Public Utility Act [62-13-1 NMSA 1978], from the antitrust laws.
B. In exercising its authority pursuant to Chapter 62, Article 9 NMSA 1978, the commission may, after public hearing upon at least twenty days notice, approve voluntary service agreements between utilities providing similar service proposing the delineation between themselves of one or more service areas in which each shall be entitled to furnish service, if the commission first determines that the proposed delineation of service areas is consistent with the public convenience and necessity and otherwise conforms to the Public Utility Act.
C. Voluntary service agreements that the commission, after public notice and hearing, has previously approved are deemed to comply with Subsection A of this section and to have the same effect as if approved pursuant to Subsection B of this section.
D. Approval of a voluntary service agreement shall not affect the duties and restrictions imposed upon a public utility pursuant to Chapter 62, Article 8 NMSA 1978.