67-15-2. Purpose of act; legislative findings.
A. The purpose of the Clean Highways Act [67-15-1 NMSA 1978] is to accomplish litter control throughout this state by delegating to the state highway department, and providing funds therefor, the authority to conduct a permanent and continuous program to control and remove litter from the roads and highways of this state to the maximum extent possible.
B. The legislature finds that the rapid population growth of New Mexico, the ever-increasing mobility of its people and the large number of annual visitors using the public roads and highways of this state have created a litter problem of major proportions along the roads and highways, constituting a hazard to the safety and health of the citizens of this state and constituting a blight upon the natural beauty of this land.
C. The legislature further finds that there is urgent need to initiate and carry out some form of effective litter control that in its implementation does not place excessive burdens upon the consumers or businesses of this state.