69-14-2. Methods of certification; certificates from other states; permits; examinations.
The state mine inspector shall certify persons for the positions of mine foreman and mine examiner and issue certificates accordingly as follows:
A. the state mine inspector may recognize the foreman's or mine examiner's certificate issued by any other state and issue certificates accordingly;
B. the state mine inspector shall hold written examinations, at times and places to be given out at least thirty days in advance, to all persons desiring to secure mine foreman certificates or mine examiner certificates; and
C. the state mine inspector shall require that any applicant for examination to the position of mine foreman or mine examiner shall submit a completed application at least thirty days prior to the examination date and shall meet the experience requirements of this section. Every person desiring to secure a mine foreman's certificate and not already in such position or not holding such certificate from another state shall first serve as a mine examiner for six months and shall have at least four years' coal mine experience to participate in the foreman's examination. A person who holds a certificate for surface mine foreman who wishes to take the underground foreman test must have a minimum of four years' experience in underground mine workings. A person who holds an underground mine foreman certificate and who wishes to participate in the surface mine foreman examination must have at least two years' surface mine experience.