69-26-1. Annual registration; data required; operations; notice of suspension; reactivation to state mine inspector.
A. Each operation in New Mexico shall register with the mining and minerals division of the energy minerals and natural resources department annually and upon the start of operations. The registration shall include:
(1) the name of the operations;
(2) post office address;
(3) the name of the operator or person in charge; and
(4) the character of operation such as the mineral produced or sought.
B. It is the duty of every mine operator to notify the mining and minerals division in writing of the suspension of operations, whether of a temporary or permanent nature. Upon reactivating the mine, or any mine which may have been shut down three months or more, the operator, ten days prior to the reactivation, shall notify the mining and minerals division in writing of intention to reactivate the mine, giving information as to the name and location of the property and the name and address of the party who will be in charge of the work.
C. The mining and minerals division shall provide a copy of the registration to the state mine inspector.