69-36-11. Existing mining operations; closeout plan required.
A. An owner or operator of an existing mining operation shall submit a permit application to the director by December 31, 1994. The permit application shall contain all information required by regulation of the commission, including a proposed compliance schedule for submission of a closeout plan within the shortest time practicable. The director shall approve or deny the permit application within six months after it has been deemed complete.
B. The owner or operator of an existing mining operation shall submit a closeout plan in accordance with the compliance schedule in the permit. The compliance schedule in the permit shall require submission of a closeout plan by December 31, 1995 unless the operator shows good cause for a further extension of time. The director shall approve a modification of a permit for an existing mining operation incorporating a closeout plan or portion of a closeout plan if:
(1) the closeout plan and permit application is complete;
(2) the closeout plan permit fee has been paid and the financial assurance is adequate and has been provided;
(3) the closeout plan specifies incremental work to be done within specific time frames that, if followed, will reclaim the physical environment of the permit area to a condition that allows for the reestablishment of a self-sustaining ecosystem on the permit area following closure, appropriate for the life zone of the surrounding areas unless conflicting with the approved post-mining land use; provided that for purposes of this section, upon a showing that achieving a post-mining land use or self-sustaining ecosystem is not technically or economically feasible or is environmentally unsound, the director may waive the requirement to achieve a self-sustaining ecosystem or post-mining land use for an open pit or waste unit if measures will be taken to ensure that the open pit or waste unit will meet all applicable federal and state laws, regulations and standards for air, surfacewater and ground water protection following closure and will not pose a current or future hazard to public health or safety; and
(4) the secretary of environment has provided a written determination in the form prescribed in Paragraph (2) of Subsection P of Section 7 of the New Mexico Mining Act [69-36-7 NMSA 1978].
C. An approval granted pursuant to this section may be revoked or suspended by order of the director for violation of a provision of the approved closeout plan or permit for the existing mining operation, an approval condition, a regulation of the commission or a provision of the New Mexico Mining Act [69-36-1 to 69-36-20 NMSA 1978].