7-36-28. Special method of valuation; pipelines, tanks, collection systems, meters, plants and hydrants used in the collection, transmission, storage, treatment, discharge, measurement or distribution of water or wastewater.
A. All pipelines, tanks, meters, lift stations, treatment facilities, plants and hydrants used in the collection, transmission, storage, measurement, treatment, discharge or distribution of water or wastewater subject to valuation for property taxation purposes shall be valued in accordance with the provisions of this section.
B. As used in this section:
(1) "commercial water property" means privately owned pipelines, tanks, meters, plants, hydrants, materials and supplies, whether in service, in stock or under construction, owned and operated as a utility for the purpose of transmitting, storing, measuring or distributing water for sale to the consuming public, excluding general buildings and improvements;
(2) "commercial wastewater property" means privately owned pipelines, collection systems, lift stations, meters, treatment facilities, materials and supplies, whether in service, in stock or under construction, owned and operated as a utility for the purpose of collecting, transmitting, measuring, treating or discharging wastewater used for the purpose of providing wastewater service to the public, excluding general buildings and improvements;
(3) "depreciation" means straight line depreciation over the useful life of the item of property;
(4) "general buildings and improvements" means buildings of the nature of offices, residential housing, warehouses, shops and associated improvements in general use by the taxpayer but not directly associated with the collection, transmission, storage, measurement, treatment, discharge or distribution of water or wastewater;
(5) "gallons" means the measurement of water sold or the measurement of wastewater discharged to a third party's treatment facility or the measurement of wastewater treated and discharged;
(6) "revenue" means gross utility operating revenue;
(7) "closed system" means a commercial water system in which water is gathered primarily by wells and stored in closed reservoirs and tanks; and
(8) "combination system" means a commercial water system in which water is gathered both in open reservoirs and by wells and is stored both in open reservoirs and closed reservoirs and tanks.
C. The value of commercial water property shall be determined as follows:
(1) a factor of two and forty-nine one hundredths per thousand gallons is to be used for a closed system and three and twenty-five one hundredths is to be used for a combination system;
(2) the department shall determine the type of system into which the taxpayer's commercial water properties should be categorized;
(3) the department shall then ascertain the number of thousand gallons sold to consumers by the taxpayer during each of the three immediately preceding calendar years and the taxpayer's water revenue from the immediately preceding calendar year;
(4) a simple average of the three-year thousand gallon sales shall be computed and compared to the actual thousand gallons sold to consumers during the immediately preceding calendar year. The higher of the average thousand gallons or the immediately preceding year's actual thousand gallons shall be the basis for value calculations;
(5) the thousand gallon figure determined in Paragraph (4) of this subsection shall then be multiplied by the appropriate per thousand gallon factor from Paragraph (1) of this subsection. The result of this calculation is the value of commercial water property for property taxation purposes; and
(6) notwithstanding the calculations provided for in Paragraphs (1) through (5) of this subsection, the value of the taxpayer's commercial water property shall not be greater than four and one-half times the revenue derived during the immediately preceding calendar year from the operation of the commercial water property.
D. The value of commercial wastewater property shall be determined as follows:
(1) a factor of two and forty-nine one hundredths per thousand gallons shall be used;
(2) the department shall then ascertain the number of thousand gallons wastewater discharged to a third party's treatment facility or the number of thousand gallons wastewater treated and discharged during each of the three immediately preceding calendar years and the taxpayer's wastewater revenue from the immediately preceding calendar year;
(3) a simple average of the three-year thousand gallons shall be computed and compared to the actual thousand gallons during the immediately preceding calendar year. The higher of the average thousand gallons or the immediately preceding year's actual thousand gallons shall be the basis for value calculations;
(4) the thousand gallon figure determined in Paragraph (3) of this subsection shall then be multiplied by the factor provided in Paragraph (1) of this subsection. The result of this calculation is the value of commercial wastewater property for property taxation purposes; and
(5) notwithstanding the calculations provided for in this subsection, the value of the taxpayer's commercial wastewater property shall not be greater than four and one-half times the revenue derived during the immediately preceding calendar year from the operation of the commercial wastewater property.
E. Each item of property having a taxable situs in the state and valued pursuant to this section shall have its net taxable value allocated to the governmental units in which the property is located on the basis of the percentage of the taxpayer's total investment in each governmental unit.
F. The department shall adopt regulations to implement the provisions of this section.