71-5-14. Common purchasers; discrimination in purchasing prohibited.
Any person now or hereafter engaged in the taking or purchasing of geothermal resources from one or more producers within a single geothermal reservoir shall be a common purchaser within that geothermal reservoir, and shall purchase geothermal resources of like quality, quantity and pressure lawfully produced from that geothermal reservoir and tendered to such common purchaser at a reasonable point. Such purchase shall be made without unreasonable discrimination in favor of one producer against another in the price paid, quantities taken, the bases of measurement or the facilities offered.
In the event such purchaser is also a producer, he is prohibited to the same extent from discriminating in favor of himself with respect to geothermal resources wells in which he has an interest, direct or indirect, as against other geothermal resources wells in the same geothermal reservoir.
For the purposes of the Geothermal Resources Conservation Act [71-5-1 NMSA 1978], reasonable differences in prices paid or facilities afforded, or both, shall not constitute unreasonable discrimination if such differences bear a fair relationship to difference in quality, quantity or pressure of the geothermal resources available or to the relative lengths of time during which such geothermal resources will be available to the purchaser.
Any common purchaser taking geothermal resources produced from wells within a geothermal reservoir shall take ratably under such rules, regulations and orders, concerning quantity, as may be promulgated by the division after due notice and public hearing. The division, in promulgating such rules, regulations and orders may consider the quality and the quantity of the geothermal resources available, the pressure and temperature of the product at the point of delivery, acreage attributable to the well, market requirements and other pertinent factors.
Nothing in the Geothermal Resources Conservation Act [71-5-1 NMSA 1978] shall be construed or applied to require, directly or indirectly, any person to purchase geothermal resources of a quality or under a pressure or under any other condition by reason of which such geothermal resource cannot be economically and satisfactorily used by such purchaser by means of his geothermal utilization facilities then in service.