71-5-17.1. Rules of procedure in hearings; manner of giving notice; record of rules, regulations and orders.
The division shall prescribe its rules of order or procedure in hearings or other proceedings before it under the Geothermal Resources Conservation Act [71-5-1 NMSA 1978]. Any notice required to be given under that act or under any rule, regulation or order prescribed by the commission or division shall be by personal service on the person affected, or by publication once in a newspaper of general circulation published at Santa Fe and once in a newspaper of general circulation published in the county, or each of the counties if there is more than one, in which any land, geothermal resources or other property which may be affected shall be situated. The notice shall issue in the name of "the state of New Mexico" and shall be signed by the director of the division, and the seal of the commission shall be impressed thereon, and it shall specify the number and style of the case, and the time and place of hearing, shall briefly state the general nature of the order or regulation contemplated by the division on its own motion or sought in a proceeding brought before the commission or division, the name of the petitioner or applicant and, unless the order, rule or regulation is intended to apply to and affect the entire state, it shall specify or generally describe the common source or sources of supply that may be affected by such order, rule or regulation. Personal service thereof may be made by any agent of the division or by any person over the age of eighteen years in the same manner as is provided by law for the service of summons in civil actions in the district courts of this state. Such service shall be complete at the time of such personal service or on the date of such publication, as the case may be. Proof of service shall be the affidavit of the person making personal service or of the publisher of the newspaper in which publication is had, as the case may be. All rules, regulations and orders made by the commission or division shall be entered in full by the director thereof in a book to be kept for such purpose by the division, which shall be a public record and open to inspection at all times during reasonable office hours. A copy of any rule, regulation or order, certified by the director of the division under the seal of the commission, shall be received in evidence in all courts of the state with the same effect as the original.