72-12-13. Application; information required; fee; surety bond for drilling operation.
Any person desiring to engage in the drilling of one or more wells for underground water within the boundaries of any underground source, as hereinabove defined, shall file an application with the state engineer for a driller's license, setting out his qualifications therefor, the equipment proposed to be used in the drilling of the wells and other information as may be required by the state engineer. A reasonable fee, not to exceed twenty-five dollars ($25.00) shall be imposed by the state engineer. All fees collected under the provisions of this section shall be deposited with the state treasurer, and placed in the general fund. A license shall be issued by the state engineer to any applicant who, in the opinion of the state engineer, having due regard for the interest of the state in the protection of its public waters, is qualified to conduct such drilling operations, but not otherwise. The state engineer shall require a bond in form and with adequate surety to be approved by him in the penal sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000) conditioned that the applicant will comply with the laws of New Mexico in the drilling of all wells to such underground sources, will comply with the rules and regulations of the state engineer and any requirements that may be made by him in connection with the drilling of any individual well for water from such sources.