72-12-14. [Suspension or revocation of license; appeal; damage suits.]
Any license issued under the provisions of this act [72-12-12 to 72-12-17 NMSA 1978] may be suspended or revoked by the state engineer upon notice and hearing, in the event that the license shall have violated any condition of the bond maintained by him as a prerequisite for such license. Appeals from the decision of the state engineer may be taken to the district courts of the state in the same manner and with like effect as now provided for other appeals from action of the state engineer. In the event of such breach, the state engineer, on behalf of the state of New Mexico, and any other person injured thereby, is authorized to recover in a civil suit in the district court of the county where the well involved is located, judgment for such damages as may have been sustained by reason thereof. In addition, the state engineer is authorized to recover on behalf of the state of New Mexico a civil penalty in an amount to be determined by the district court in which the action is tried not to exceed $1,000 and judgment for both damages and penalty shall be against the principal and sureties upon said bond.