72-17-34. Election returns.
In the case of any election held hereunder which is not held concurrently with a primary or general election, the election officials shall make their returns directly to the secretary of the authority for the board. In the case of any election held hereunder which is consolidated with any primary or general election, the returns thereof shall be made and canvassed at the time and in the manner provided by law for the canvass of the returns of such primary or general election. It shall be the duty of such canvassing body to certify promptly and to transmit to the secretary of the authority for the board a statement of the result of the vote upon any candidates or any proposition submitted hereunder. Upon receipt of election returns from election officials or upon receipt of such certificate from any such canvassing body, it shall be the duty of the board to tabulate and declare the results of the election held hereunder at any regular or special meeting held not earlier than five days following the date of the election. Except as herein otherwise provided, any proposal submitted at any election hereunder shall not have carried unless the proposal shall have been approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the taxpaying electors of the district voting thereon, as the case may be.