72-17-89. Issuance of interim debentures and pledge of bonds as collateral security.
Notwithstanding any limitation or other provision herein, whenever a majority of the taxpaying electors of the authority voting on a proposal to issue bonds has authorized the authority to issue bonds for any purpose herein authorized, the authority is authorized to borrow money without any other election in anticipation of taxes, the proceeds of said bonds or any other revenues of the authority or any combination thereof, and to issue interim debentures to evidence the amount so borrowed. Interim debentures may mature at such time or times not exceeding a period of time equal to the estimated time needed to effect the purpose or purposes for which the bonds are so authorized to be issued, plus two years, as the board may determine. Except as otherwise provided in this section and in Sections 90 and 91 [72-17-90 and 72-17-91 NMSA 1978] hereof, interim debentures shall be issued as provided herein for securities in Sections 47 to 80 [72-17-47 to 72-17-80 NMSA 1978], both inclusive. Taxes, other revenues of the authority, including without limiting the generality of the foregoing, proceeds of bonds to be thereafter issued or reissued, or bonds issued for the purpose of securing the payment of interim debenture [debentures], may be pledged for the purpose of securing the payment of the interim debentures. Any bonds pledged as collateral security for the payment of any interim debentures shall mature at such time or times as the board may determine, but in no event exceeding forty years from the date of either any of such bonds or any of such interim debentures, whichever date be the earlier. Any such bonds pledged as collateral security shall not be issued in an aggregate principal amount exceeding the aggregate principal amount of the interim debenture or interim debentures secured by a pledge of such bonds, nor shall they bear interest at any time which with any interest accruing at the same time on the interim debenture or interim debentures so secured exceeds six percent per annum.