72-18-35.1. Election of directors; established district.
In a district established pursuant to the Flood Control District Act [72-18-1 to 72-18-70 NMSA 1978] whose boundaries are coterminous with the voting precincts of the county, the election of directors shall be conducted by the county clerk in the same manner and at the same time as the general election in the state and the same election officials shall preside. The returns of the election shall be filed with the county clerk who shall submit them to the board of the district for the purposes of canvassing the election of the district. The nominees for offices of directors shall be determined in accordance with the resolution of the board calling for the election, which shall provide that nominees shall file for the office of director in the same manner and form as for municipal offices; and a list of the nominees shall be provided to the county clerk not later than three days following the primary election. All costs for materials and supplies incurred by the county clerk on behalf of the district shall be paid by the district to the clerk's office.
The district may provide for the cost of one additional clerk of election to assist the county clerk specifically in the conduct of the district election.