72-18-42. Powers of public bodies.
The governing body of any municipality or other public body, upon its behalf and in its name, for the purpose of aiding and cooperating in any project, upon the terms and with or without consideration and with or without an election, as the governing body determines, may exercise the following powers:
A. make available for temporary use or otherwise dispose [dispense] to any district any machinery, equipment, facilities and other property, any agents, employees, persons with professional training and any other persons to effect the purposes of the Flood Control District Act [72-18-1 to 72-18-70 NMSA 1978]. Any property owned and persons in the employ of any public body while engaged in performing for the district any authorized service, activity or undertaking, pursuant to contract or otherwise, shall have and retain all of the powers, privileges, immunities, rights and duties of, and shall be deemed to be engaged in the service and employment of, the public body, notwithstanding that such service, activity or undertaking is being performed in or for the district;
B. enter into any agreement or joint agreement between or among the federal government, any district and any public body extending over any period not exceeding fifty years, which is mutually agreed to, respecting action or proceedings appertaining to any power granted by the Flood Control District Act and the use or joint use of any facilities, project or other property;
C. sell, lease, loan, donate, grant, convey, assign, transfer or pay over to any district any facilities or any project, or any part thereof, or any interest in real or personal property or any funds available for acquisition, improvement, equipment, operation or maintenance purposes, including the proceeds of any securities issued for acquisition, improvement, equipment, operation or maintenance purposes which may be used by the district in the acquisition, improvement, equipment, maintenance or operation of any facilities or project; and
D. transfer, grant, convey or assign and set over to any district any contracts which may have been awarded by the public body for the acquisition, improvement or equipment of any project not begun or, if begun, not completed.