72-19-14. Board's administrative powers.
The board may exercise the following powers:
A. fix the time and place at which its regular meetings will be held within the authority and provide for the calling and holding of special meetings;
B. adopt and amend or otherwise modify bylaws and rules for procedure;
C. select one director as chairman of the board and president of the authority, and another director as chairman pro tem of the board and president pro tem of the authority, and choose a secretary and a treasurer of the board and authority, each of which two positions may be filled by a person who is, or is not, a director, and both of which positions may, or may not, be filled by one person;
D. prescribe by resolution a system of business administration and create all necessary offices and establish and re-establish the powers, duties and compensation of all officers and employees;
E. require and fix the amount of all official bonds necessary or desirable and convenient in the opinion of the board for the protection of the funds and property of the authority, subject to the provisions of Section 13 [72-19-13 NMSA 1978] of the Southern Sandoval County Arroyo Flood Control Act;
F. prescribe a method of auditing and allowing or rejecting claims and demands;
G. provide a method for the letting of contracts on a fair and competitive basis for the construction of works, any facility or any project or any interest therein or the performance or furnishing of labor, materials or supplies as required in that act;
H. designate an official newspaper published in the authority in the English language and direct additional publication in any newspaper where it deems that the public necessity may so require; and
I. make and pass resolutions and orders on behalf of the authority not repugnant to the provisions of the Southern Sandoval County Arroyo Flood Control Act [72-19-1 to 72-19-103 NMSA 1978], necessary or proper for the government and management of the affairs of the authority, for the execution of the powers vested in the authority and for carrying into effect the provisions of that act.