72-5-26. [Diversion from watershed or into another stream.]
Whenever the owner of a ditch, canal, pipeline, reservoir or other works shall turn or deliver water from one stream or drainage into another stream or drainage, such owner may take and use the same quantity of water, less a reasonable deduction for evaporation and seepage to be determined by the state engineer, and such owner may be required by the state engineer to construct and maintain suitable measuring flumes or devices at the point or points where said water leaves its natural stream or watershed, or is turned into another stream or watershed. Where the rights of others are not injured thereby, it shall be lawful for the owner of any reservoir, canal or other work, to deliver water into any ditch, stream or watercourse, to supply, appropriations therefrom and to take in exchange therefor, either above or below such point of delivery, a quantity of water equivalent to that so delivered, less a proper deduction for evaporation and seepage to be determined by the state engineer; provided, such owner shall, under the direction of the state engineer, construct and maintain suitable measuring devices at the points of delivery and diversion.