72-5-27. Artificial water; no right of continuance of supply.
Artificial surface waters, as distinguished from natural surface waters, are hereby defined for the purpose of this act as waters whose appearance or accumulation is due to escape, seepage, loss, waste, drainage or percolation from constructed works, either directly or indirectly, and which depend for their continuance upon the acts of man. Such artificial waters are primarily private and subject to beneficial use by the owner or developer thereof; provided, that when such waters pass unused beyond the domain of the owner or developer and are deposited in a natural stream or watercourse and have not been applied to beneficial use by said owner or developer for a period of four years from the first appearance thereof, they shall be subject to appropriation and use; provided, that no appropriator can acquire a right, excepting by contract, grant, dedication or condemnation, as against the owner or developer compelling him to continue such water supply.