72-5A-10. Annual report to state engineer; penalty for failure to file.
A. Each permittee shall file an annual report with the state engineer that includes:
(1) the total quantity of stored water and recovered water;
(2) the water quality of the stored water, the receiving aquifer and the recovered water;
(3) a sworn affidavit attesting to the truthfulness and accuracy of the report's data; and
(4) a measurement of the static level of the water table.
B. The annual report shall be maintained on a calendar year basis and shall be filed with the state engineer no later than March 31 for the preceding year. If a governmental entity required to file an annual report fails to do so when due, the state engineer may assess and impose a penalty of five hundred dollars ($500) for each month or portion of a month that the report is not filed. The total penalty assessed annually pursuant to this subsection shall not exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000).
C. All records and reports required to be maintained and filed pursuant to this section shall be in a form prescribed by the state engineer.