74-10-28. Levy and collection of taxes.
To levy and collect taxes, the board shall determine in each year the amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation, taking into consideration other sources of revenue of the authority, and shall propose by resolution a rate of levy, without limitation as to rate or amount, except for the limitation in Section 27 [74-10-27 NMSA 1978] of the Solid Waste Authority Act and for any constitutional limitation, which, when levied upon the net taxable value, as that term is defined in the Property Tax Code, of all property subject to property taxation within the authority, and together with other revenues, will raise the amount required by the authority annually to supply funds for paying expenses of organization and the costs of acquiring, improving, equipping, operating and maintaining any project or facility of the authority, and promptly to pay in full, when due, all interest on and principal of bonds and other securities of the authority, and in the event of accruing defaults or deficiencies, an additional levy may be made as provided in Section 29 [74-10-29 NMSA 1978] of the Solid Waste Authority Act.