74-10-7. Petition for creation of solid waste authority.
A. The organization of a solid waste authority shall be initiated by the interim board appointed pursuant to Section 6 [74-10-6 NMSA 1978] of the Solid Waste Authority Act by filing a petition, duly adopted by the solid waste authority board and filed with the county special district commission as provided in the Special District Procedures Act [4-53-1 to 4-53-11 NMSA 1978].
B. The petition shall set forth:
(1) the name of the proposed district consisting of a chosen name preceding the words "solid waste authority";
(2) a general description of the improvements to be constructed or installed within and for the authority;
(3) an estimated overall cost of the proposed improvements to be constructed or installed within and for the authority;
(4) an estimated time table for the completion of all intended improvements;
(5) the need for the creation of the district and the construction or installation of improvements, stating the nature and extent of the anticipated use of the improvements by persons presently residing on land within the authority, and the nature and extent of the anticipated use of the improvements due to future development;
(6) a general description of the boundaries of the authority or the territory to be included within the authority, with such certainty as to enable a property owner to determine whether or not his property is within the authority;
(7) the salary, if any, that the members of the board shall receive for their services; and
(8) a request for the organization of the authority.
C. No petition duly adopted by the solid waste authority board and submitted to the county special district commission shall be declared void on account of alleged defects, but the county special district commission may at any time permit the petition to be amended to conform to the facts by correcting any errors in the description of the territory or in any other particular.