74-2-16. Municipal or county air quality permit fund.
A. A local authority shall create within the municipal or county treasury
a fund to be known as the "__________________________________________________
(name of municipality or county)
air quality permit fund". All fees collected by a municipality or county pursuant to Section 74-2-7 NMSA 1978 shall be deposited in the fund created pursuant to this section.
B. Money in the fund created pursuant to this section shall be used by the municipality or county only for the purpose of paying the reasonable costs of:
(1) appealing, reviewing and acting upon any application for a permit;
(2) if the owner or operator receives a permit, implementing and enforcing the terms and conditions of such permit, not including any court costs or other costs associated with any enforcement action;
(3) emissions and ambient monitoring;
(4) preparing generally applicable regulations or guidance;
(5) modeling, analysis and demonstrations; and
(6) preparing inventories and tracking emissions.