76-15-5. Districts; organization.
A. An election for the organization of a district shall be called by the director when twenty-five (25) growers within any given area shall petition the director therefor, which petition shall define the exterior boundaries of such district.
B. Every grower in any district who has from one to five acres in fruit, as herein defined, shall have one vote in any election herein provided for, and for each five acres, or major fraction thereof, in addition thereto such grower shall have one additional vote. The number of acres each voter has under this provision shall be determined by the county agriculture extension agent.
C. When such petition is filed with the director, he shall call an election to be held within the area of such proposed district, the call for such election shall be posted in five public places within such district and shall be published once each week for three successive weeks in a legal newspaper in each county in the area of such proposed district, and which notice [sic] shall define the exterior boundaries of such district, the last publication to be not less than five days prior to the date of such election.
D. If, in such election, sixty (60%) percent of the votes cast shall be in favor of the organization of a district, then such district shall be considered as an organized district.
E. Within thirty days after the vote for an organized district, the director shall be required to call, by proper notice, a meeting of the growers in said district for the purpose of perfecting the district organization and voting for a board of directors for such district.
F. The board of directors shall consist of not less than five nor more than nine members, as determined by the growers at their first meeting.
G. Organized districts, as herein provided for, shall be considered as and shall become a corporate body [corporate bodies] with power to sue and be sued and to pass bylaws for the governing of the organization.
H. Organized districts may be disestablished after a period of three years of organization in the same manner and by the same method as established.