76-16-6. Pecans not in conformity with act.
A. It shall be unlawful to pack or cause to be packed, sell, offer for sale, deliver for shipment, load, ship or transport for shipment, whether packed, shipped or sold or offered for sale in domestic, interstate, intrastate or foreign commerce any unshelled pecans within the meaning of this act [76-16-1 to 76-16-9 NMSA 1978] which do not conform with the requirements of this act. It shall also be unlawful to prepare, deliver for shipment, load, ship, transport, offer for sale or sell a deceptive peck, bulk lot, bulk load, arrangement or display of unshelled pecans within the meaning of this act, or to mislabel any container, subcontainer or display of such unshelled pecans.
B. Nothing in this act shall be construed to conflict with any other law of the state of New Mexico or of the United States of America or regulations regarding net weight or other markings on containers or subcontainers.