76-2-3. [Assent to act of congress.]
That pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of the act of congress entitled, "An act to provide for the further development of agricultural extension work between the agricultural colleges in the several states receiving the benefits of the act entitled, 'An act donating public lands to the several states and territories which may provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts,' approved July 2, 1862, and all acts supplementary thereto, and the United States department of agriculture," approved May 22, 1928, and commonly known as the "Capper-Ketcham Act," the assent of the legislature of the state of New Mexico shall be and hereby is given to the provisions and requirements of said act, and the regents of the agricultural college of New Mexico [New Mexico state university] are hereby authorized and empowered to receive the grants of money appropriated under said act, and to organize and conduct agricultural extension work which shall be carried on by and in connection with said agricultural college, and to direct the expenditure of such grants of money appropriated under the aforesaid act, in accordance with the terms and conditions as expressed in said act.